School Photo Orders 2019-2020
Over the next couple of days, students will be bringing home school photo order forms.
Deadline for orders is Friday, 17 January 2020.
Here are a few reminders for parents:
How to order - Photos can be ordered either online or by cash payment.
- Online order : log on to the Techni Photo website and enter the unique code printed on the attached proof. Follow the instructions given online.
Cash order : complete the order form with correct cash payment with the photo proof attached, make sure you write the student's full name, grade/class, and your contact number and email. Return the order to the North Wing main office before the deadline.

Re-takes for new & absent students
Re-takes for students who were absent during school photos or students who are new to TIS will take place on Monday, February 10th, 2020.
Grade 12 Graduation Photos
Grade 12 graduation photos will be taken on Monday, February 10th, 2020.
Family Portraits
- As in past years, the photographer will be available to take family portraits on Monday, February 10th, 2020 starting at 3:30 p.m. You can pick up a form in the main office or download one here. Please submit your form to the North Wing main office, or email your form to kathy.seto@localhost:8888/tis, by February 4th, 2020.
訂購方式 - 網上訂購 或 現金支付
- 網上訂購:登入訂購網頁,輸入代碼 (Unique Code),跟隨指示進行訂購。
重拍 或 補拍
- 攝影師將於2020年2月10日(週一)下午3時30分為預約之家庭拍攝全家福,預約表格可於北翼辦公室索取或在這裡下載。預約表格請於2020年2月4日或之前,交回北翼辦公室或電郵至kathy.seto@localhost:8888/tis。