Busing, Parking
& Pick-up and Drop-off/校巴、車輛停泊以及上下課接送安排
Summer Camp School Bus (June 30 - July 25, routes for Macao & Taipa ONLY)
There are two options for a door-to-door bus service for students at TIS.
Option 1 - Taipa & Macau Bus Route: This service is provided by a reputable company (Chong Ou) at reasonable rates and is paid directly to Chong Ou by families using the service. Please see below for more information.
Option 2 - One Oasis, Hellene Gardens Bus Route: This service is coordinated by TIS. Fees are paid directly by families to TIS.
Please see below for more information.
選項1 - 氹仔及澳門線:此校巴服務由信譽良好的中澳旅行社有限公司提供,收費合理,並由使用服務的家庭直接向該公司支付相關校巴費用。請閱讀以下信息了解更多。
選項2 - 黑沙海蘭及金鋒南岸線:此校巴服務由學校協調提供。校巴費將由使用家庭直接向澳門國際學校支付。請閱讀以下信息了解更多。
Taipa & Macau Bus Route
One Oasis, Hellene Gardens Bus Route
Drop Off & Pick Up/上下課接送安排
The Kiss ‘N Ride program provides a queuing service to safely drop-off and pick-up students. Parents need to register for the Kiss ‘N Ride program by completing the application form in the link below.
TIS staff members in hi-visibility vests will be directing traffic during morning drop off and afternoon pick-up; please follow their directions at all times to ensure the safety of TIS students, parents and staff.
Kiss ‘N Ride為學生家庭提供一個安全的車輛排隊接送服務。家長只須填寫以下鏈結的申請表即可申請Kiss ‘N Ride服務。
Kiss 'N Ride
Entrance & Parking Permits/家長泊車證
Starting February 17, 2025, the MUST Campus will implement a new parking management system. For your convenience, the current policy of free parking during limited daytime hours will remain in effect. As such, parents and guardians are entitled to 2 hours of free parking per campus entry. However, please note that parking beyond the allocated 2 hours will incur an hourly fee as per the following rates:
Motor Vehicles: MOP$20 per hour
Motorcycles: MOP$10 per hour
For parents or volunteers required to stay on campus for extended periods due to school-related activities or events, parking fees may be waived upon approval. Each car is eligible for free parking registration with the assistance of our Front Office staff. Your vehicle will need to exit campus premises within 30 minutes.
Parents who currently have registered their vehicle(s) and have a parking pass are eligible to pick up their deposit at the Front Office
Permits must be renewed every academic year, with an administrative fee of MOP50. Applications for new and renewable permits can be made at the main school office. MUST Parking Permit Application Form is available in the office or can be found here.
汽 車:20 澳門元/小時
電單車 :10 澳門元/小時