Minds in Action

Jun 10, 2024

As part of the assessment for their IB Diploma Programme core module Theory of Knowledge (TOK), our students were challenged to reflect deeply on the nature of knowledge and how we come to know what we know. Students selected from 25 different prompts that explored questions like:

Each student then chose 3 objects to build an interactive exhibit that showcased their inquiry. Visitors were invited to engage with the students, ask questions, and debate the complexities of knowledge.

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It was inspiring to see the nuance, sophistication, and intellectual curiosity our students displayed. Whether exploring the biases inherent with culture or the power dynamics underlying different knowledge systems, they demonstrated a level of critical analysis well beyond their years.

Thank you to the families and other TIS community members who attended and challenged our students, helping them reach new depths of understanding. And a special shout-out to our IB DP Coordinator Ms. Hubert, and TOK teachers Mr. Owen and Mr. Price, for organising such an enriching and thought-provoking event.

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We're so proud of our students and can't wait to see what insights they uncover in the years ahead, as they continue grappling with the foundations of knowledge itself.

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