March 23 Covid-19 Update
Dear Parents,
Thank-you once again for your patience and support as we continue to work through this very challenging coronavirus pandemic. We hope you are keeping safe, healthy and active during this global epidemic. As change continues to happen daily, I would like to update you on some important items:
1. Resumption of Classes- POSTPONED
The DSEJ announced on Friday afternoon that the plan to resume classes on April 13th will be postponed until further notice. This is disheartening news, however, the government has the health and safety of our school communities as their top priority. We support this decision and are hopeful that classes will resume in the very near future. We have plans ready to go and in place for the safety, health and academic needs of our students and staff when the notice comes to resume classes.
2. Grade 12 Alberta Diploma Exams and IB Exams Canceled
The Alberta Education diploma exams (Grade 12) and IB exams are high stakes assessments that count as a significant percentage of the student’s final grade. We received confirmation from the IBO and Alberta Education that they have been cancelled due to the Coronavirus pandemic. This is an advantage to our students as it will relieve some stress of having to prepare to write multiple high stakes exams, so they can focus on completing their classroom assessments to make their course grade as high as possible. The course grade on the report card will serve as the student’s final mark in the course and can be used for university entrance. It is important to note that part of our accreditation process involves comparing teacher grades to the grades students score on these exams. Our teachers’ grades consistently come within a few percentage points of the exam scores, which adds to the validity of the teacher grades.
3. Online Learning
With the postponement of class resumption, the online learning will continue in all subjects, at all grade levels. We greatly appreciate the survey feedback from parents, students, and teachers about the online teaching and learning experience. We are continuing to analyze the results and I will be reporting back to you with what we heard. The online learning should not interfere with your child’s promotion to the next grade for next year. It is important that students continue to be diligent with completing assignments from their teachers in a timely manner, and for teachers to be responsive to any parent concerns. If you have a concern about the online teaching, please let your child’s teacher know.
4. School Fees
We have received inquiries and questions from parents regarding school fees. With the suspension of classes and the delivery of education happening online, the school will be fully crediting parents for the following fees:
Field trip fees, including full refunds on Experience Week deposits
Bussing fees
Lunch fees
ASET, ASMAT and Chinese language tutoring fees
It is important for parents to know that with our field trips and Experience Week, we were not able to secure full refunds from our service providers, however, the school is making up the difference to ensure parents receive full refunds.
Parents can appreciate that education is an essential service and schools operate differently than other organizations. I have heard from some families asking if there is going to be concessions to our tuition fees with the usage of the online teaching approach. This is very difficult to do, as reducing the fees during these unique times impacts our ability to cover the School operations, including costs such as educational supplies, accreditation fees and, most critically, staff salaries.
The best that we can do at this time is offer a significant discount on this year’s Summer Camp and Summer School (in July) to TIS families. We ask for your understanding and continued support.
5. Programming When Classes Resume
Administration and Leadership have developed a plan to provide more face to face time between teachers and students when classes resume at TIS. When we resume classes this school year, parents can expect to receive a schedule that includes:
Additional one hour instructional time for students with their teachers added after school to support tutoring and extra help.
Cancelation of clubs, ECA’s, sports teams and other extracurricular activities to allow for the additional instructional time.
Tutoring for inclusive students will continue.
Assemblies and other events, that are large group gatherings, will be cancelled.
Special accommodations for graduation ceremonies will be explored so they can run as scheduled.
Let’s continue to hope that all goes well and we are able to get back to normal routines in the very near future.

Mark Lockwood
Head of School
新型冠狀病毒狀況更新 (COVID-19)
1. 復課日子再度推遲
2. 高中三年級學生 - 加拿大艾伯塔畢業文憑考試及IB國際文憑考試取消
3. 線上學習
隨著復課時間的推遲,線上學習將繼續開放給所有年級和學科。非常感謝家長、學生以及老師對在線教學的調查反饋,學校正分析問卷結果,稍後將匯報整體情況。線上學習情況不會影響 貴子女明年升讀下一年級,因此最重要是學生按時完成老師佈置的作業,而老師亦有義務向家長作出回應。若您對於線上學習有任何疑問,請直接向老師查詢。
4. 學費
外遊費; 包括體驗週全額定金
5. 復課的準備

Mark Lockwood