Helpful Tips from our TIS Counselling Team
Dear TIS Parents,
As a Counselling Team, we recognize that our community is doing exceptionally well under the circumstances, showing noteworthy flexibility and resilience. However, sometimes we know that it can also be helpful to access additional support and we would like our families to know that we are here if you need us.
We are attaching a pamphlet about our TIS Counselling Team that provides more information, including our school email address. For face-to-face consultations, we can meet with you via online conferencing platforms such as Skype or Zoom.
We are also writing to share some resources with you that may be of help at this time:
Talk to the Kids About the Coronavirus with These 5 Easy Tips
Read-aloud Coronavirus Safety for Children Book
How to Talk to Kids About Scary News
How to Help Children Manage Fears
In our experience as counsellors, we often discover that problems reveal hidden opportunities and lead people to grow new strengths. As challenging as it is, we see this unusual event as a unique opportunity for families to spend more time together, strengthen bonds and develop healthy routines.
Here are some links you can reference to help your family thrive in challenging times and beyond:
Here We Are: Getting the Most Out of Waiting it Out
Health Benefit of Arts and Crafts for Kids
100 Art Therapy Exercises to Make Your Mind, Body and Spirit Sing
100 Activities to Build Character
Want to Raise Smart, Kind Kids? Science Says Do This Every Day
The Health Benefits of Getting Strict on Bedtimes
The Importance of Chores for Kids
Best regards,
The TIS Counselling Team

作為澳門國際學校心理咨詢輔導團隊,我們注意到我們的社區對當下的困境應對得非常良好, 展現出令人讚嘆的靈活性及心理韌性。我們也知道有時候能夠借助一些額外的支持,對身心健 康會很有益處。因此希望所有家庭知道,若有需要,澳門國際學校心理咨詢輔導團隊就在您的 身邊。
隨著這份公開信,我們附上心理輔導團隊每位成員的聯繫方式。您可以通過電子郵件與我們聯 繫,亦可以預約面對面咨詢,屆時我們可以透過應用軟件Skype 或 Zoom平台提供實時咨詢。
根據心理咨詢師的經驗,我們經常發現問題會揭示隱藏的機會,並引導人們發揮新的能力。儘 管疫情猶在,但我們希望能將這一不尋當的事件視作為一個特殊的機會,讓我們的家庭有更多 時間與子女相處,加強紐帶和建立更健康的作息規律。